Our Faith

    Things Worth Knowing Concerning the Aims of this Church ...

    • This Church is different!  It was organized and exists for the specific purpose of restoring the Church described in the New Testament in doctrine, polity, name, and life.  We plead for Christian unity under the absolute authority of Christ, the Son of God (Ephesians 1:20-23).
    • Because we seek to follow the pattern of the New Testament Church it follows then that we ...
    • Have Christ as our only Creed (Matthew 16:18).
    • Wear Christ's name only (Romans 16:16, Acts 11:26).
    • Accept the Scriptures as our only rule of faith (IITim 3:16-17).
    • Remember Christ in the Communion Service on the first day of the week (Matthew 26:26, Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7).
    • Lead sinners to Christ in the Appointed way.  Christians in the New Testament came to Christ through FAITH IN CHRIST (Mark 16:15-16), REPENTANCE FROM SIN (Acts 2:38, Acts 17:30-31), CONFESSION OF CHRIST (Rom 10:9-10, Matt 10:32-35), and BAPTISM INTO CHRIST (Gal 3:27, Acts 8:38, Rom 6:1-6).  We believe, teach, and practice this same plan of salvation.
    • Continue to live as Christians in all phases of life (Phil 1:27, II Pet 1:5-11, Rev 2:10).

    This Church has no denomination affiliations.  There is only one Body, one Lord, one Faith, and one Baptism (Eph 4:4-6).  Christ is the head of the Church (Col 1:18).  Our services are held for the glory of Christ (Mat 28:18-20, Col 3:17).

    This Church also believes in and strives to practice the spirit and love of Christ (John 3:5, I Cor 13). 

    All are invited to unite with Christ for the accomplishment of the scriptural plan presented above.

    He invites all to unite with Him and therefore with His Church by FAITH, REPENTANCE, CONFESSING CHRIST AS LORD, AND BAPTISM (IMMERSION).   We are not ashamed of this doctrine and boldly preach it (Rom 1:16).